Rules: Answer the following questions & tag 5 fellow bloggers to do the same.The blogging platform I use most is:
BloggerOn a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the best) I rate it:
8What I like about it is...
That I know how to use it... well, except forWhat I hate about it is...
Fixing the template is a disasterIf I could add any features I could, it/they would be...
A template editor for real people (as opposed to people who read html as well as they read English)My biggest mess-up with my blog has been...
Moving from FTP publishing, which left me with over 200 static pages, each of which has to be edited separately if I want to make any changes...I enjoy blogging because...
It lets me write things and get people's comments.I blog every time that...
I have inspiration...I never blog about... (tricky, huh? ;-))
Things that are too private to share.Tell one experience about someone you've met via blogging.
I've met some really nice people by blogging - some in real life and some who are my facebook friends.
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